Fantastically original in so many ways!
This old lovely sat in our to do pile for many months. The reason for our delay in cleaning her up was because we were tentative about how we would approach her refurbishment. For some original pieces, less is more. Their treasure and appeal is sometimes in the raw state in which they are found.
Yes, it needed some rebuilding, and we are honest in noting the rear timber panel is NOT an original component. Everingthing else is....We tried to tease out a little of the amazing old depression era blue, hidden underneath an unknown brown paint/stain concoction that didn't want to be sanded lighlty. So, instead of a heavy handed transformation, this one has been left as she was found...minus a darn good clean, a rebuild, a light sand, a nourishing oil and a generous beeswax that is! So much thought and work goes into faithfully refurbing or rather, 'editing' our found treasures.
Dimensions: 89 cm wide x 46 cm deep x 112 cm high.
Please inquire about possible freight options. Pick up welcome.